We have been delivering EIA training in Northern Ireland since 2018 both through the RTPI and more recently alongside the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) as part of their Environmental Governance project to enhance planning authority capacity and confidence in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The EIA training we have delivered has already reached over 150 planners and wider stakeholders. With our Core and Advanced EIA courses - developed for the DfI also accredited by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).
Our founder presented at his tenth International Association for Impact Assessment conference (IAIA '18) in Durban, South Africa.
He discussed the findings of our research into trends in national EIA professional recognition systems.
EIA LAW 2018 - Helsinki, Finland
A conference focused on reviewing implementation of the 2014 amendments to the EIA Directive across over Europe.
Our Founder presented a paper providing reflections on his work to develop and implement the UK's Proportionate EIA Strategy (IEMA, 2017).